Npm serverless
Npm serverless

npm serverless

To deploy with the custom domain: serverless deploy To create the custom domain: serverless create_domain | autoDomainWaitFor | 120 | How long to wait for create_domain to finish before starting deployment if domain does not exist immediately. | autoDomain | false | Toggles whether or not the plugin will run create_domain/delete_domain as part of sls deploy/remove so that multiple commands are not required. See Changing API Types for more information. For example, migrating a REST API to an HTTP API.

npm serverless

This should only be used when changing API types. Accepts tls_1_0 or tls_1_2|ĪllowPathMatching | false | When updating an existing api mapping this will match on the basePath instead of the API ID to find existing mappings for an upsate. SecurityPolicy | tls_1_2 | The security policy to apply to the custom domain name. Accepts either boolean or string values and defaults to true for backwards compatibility. This flag allows the developer to disable the plugin for such cases. | enabled | true | Sometimes there are stages for which is not desired to have custom domain names. Setting this parameter is specially useful if you have multiple hosted zones with the same domain name (e.g. If it is set to false then only public hosted zones will be used for route53 records. | hostedZonePrivate | | If hostedZonePrivate is set to true then only private hosted zones will be used for route 53 records. | hostedZoneId | | If hostedZoneId is set the route53 record set will be created in the matching zone, otherwise the hosted zone will be figured out from the domainName (hosted zone with matching domain). | apiType | rest | Defines the api type, accepts rest, http or websocket. | endpointType | edge | Defines the endpoint type, accepts regional or edge. | createRoute53Record | true | Toggles whether or not the plugin will create an A Alias and AAAA Alias records in Route53 mapping the domainName to the generated distribution domain name. | certificateArn | (none) | The arn of a specific certificate from Certificate Manager to use with this API. Note: Edge-optimized endpoints require that the certificate be located in us-east-1 to be used with the CloudFront distribution. for a given domain name, a certificate for will take precedence over a *. certificate). If not specified, the closest match will be used (i.e. | certificateName | Closest match | The name of a specific certificate from Certificate Manager to use with this API. This parameter allows you to specify a different stage for the domain name than the stage specified for the serverless deployment. | stage | Value of -stage, or provider.stage (serverless will default to dev if unset) | The stage to create the domain name for. | basePath | (none) | The base path that will prepend all API endpoints. | domainName (Required) | | The domain name to be created in API Gateway and Route53 (if enabled) for this API. | Parameter Name | Default Value | Description | Route53:ChangeResourceRecordSets hostedzone/.foo basePath: '' endpointType: 'regional' The IAM role that is deploying the lambda will need the following permissions: acm:ListCertificates *Īpigateway:GET /domainnames/*/basepathmappingsĪpigateway:POST /domainnames/*/basepathmappingsĪpigateway:PATCH /domainnames/*/basepathmapping Make sure you have the following installed before starting: Learn more at Getting Started Prerequisites While others try to shrink the learning experience into the technology, we use technology to expand what is possible in real classrooms with real students and teachers.

npm serverless

We have a long history as the leading innovator in K-12 education - and have been described as the best tech company in education and the best education company in tech.

npm serverless

About AmplifyĪmplify builds innovative and compelling digital educational products that empower teachers and students across the country. Allows for base path mapping when deploying and deletion of domain names. Create custom domain names that your lambda can deploy to with serverless.

Npm serverless