Pcstitch wedding sampler
Pcstitch wedding sampler


You can find part 2 here and part 3 here.

pcstitch wedding sampler


The full squares are supposed to be cross stitches with two strands, but perhaps you can substitute them with beads.Ī teli négyzetek keresztszemes öltések, két szállal, de talán gyöngyöket is varrhatunk helyettük. Gyertek velem erre a kis kalandra, hímezzünk együtt! Alig várom, hogy lássam, milyen színeket választotok. I am really curious to see what colours you choose. So, come with me on this journey, let´s do this together. Amint valaki elkészül az elsö résszel (lehet, hogy ez a valaki én leszek, de még nem tudom, mennyi idöm lesz hímezni), felteszem a második részt is. As soon as someone finishes the first part (perhaps that someone will be me, but I am not sure how much time I will have for stitching), I will post the next one.

pcstitch wedding sampler

Persze rá kell még hagyni néhány centimétert körben.Így fog kinézni: Terveztem egy blackwork csíkokból álló mintát, összesen 65 öltés széles, és 170 hosszú.


Altogether it is 65 x 170 stitches, so if you want to stitch it, this is how big your fabric needs to be, plus a few centimetres around it. Katherine, circa 1225 used the Middle English ‘cnotte’, (knot) to mean ‘the tie or bond of wedlock the marriage or wedding knot’.I have created a blackwork band sampler. The word ‘knot’ has been associated with marriage since at least the 13th century. Actual knots have been used in marriage ceremonies for some time and the tradition of trying the wrists of the bride and groom with twine continues today in marriages ceremonies in some cultures. Knots have a place in the folklore of many cultures and usually symbolize unbreakable pledges. This design is also available from the Amazon store or from Ebay The origin of the phrase ‘Tying the knot’ Stitches – Whole cross stitch, backstitchĪbility – For stitchers with some experience The design is available on 14 aida or 27 count evenweaveĮvenweave has a more refined appearance but is trickier to work with so for the experienced stitcher If you prefer to use your own materials the chart only pack provides the colour pattern with full instructions. Stitch away with no delay! ~ no need to spend time sorting colours because they come threaded on a cardįor a personal touch a completion slip adds your name and date to the back of your work The clear colour chart has both symbols and coloured squares and so it is beautifully easy to read

pcstitch wedding sampler

The pack has full instructions with cross stitch basics and tips for fine stitchingĪ full alphabet is provided for the names and date

pcstitch wedding sampler

The Celtic Wedding Sampler cross stitch kit has only the best quality materials ~ Zweigart fabric, DMC thread, needle. Description Celtic Wedding sampler cross stitch kit detailsĬeltic Wedding sampler to create a record a special day. This is a sumptuous Wedding Sampler in bronze with glints of gold. The lovely Celtic knotwork symbolises the concept of ‘tying the knot’ (more details below)

Pcstitch wedding sampler